Set in Sunset Town, a quirky place where the apocalypse has not dampened the spirit of its inhabitants, Doomsday Paradise remains a hub of endless entertainment even as it faces impending doom. Explore its back streets, meet eccentric locals, and uncover the city’s best-kept secrets. Customization is key: create your character, collect items, and acquire skills that will help you on this unpredictable adventure. The game challenges the traditional RPG formula by not following a linear story or battling relentless enemies. Instead, Doomsday Paradise is all about choices, each of which drives the narrative toward a unique outcome. Join a faction, betray your allies, or face the apocalypse alone—the fate of the world rests on your decisions.
- Release date: Nov 9, 2023
- Genre: India, RPG, Simulators, Anime, Visual novel
- Developer: Lemonade Flashbang
Voice acting:
- OS: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
- Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
- RAM: 1 GB
- Video card: 4 GB
- Disk space: 1 GB