The project uses the works of George Martin as a primary source, ignoring some events of the series. There are 6 factions to choose from: Lannisters, Starks, Martels, Greyjoys, Tyrrells and Baratheons. Each of them has its own unique features, which are reflected in the gameplay for one or another side of the conflict in the struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms. The gameplay is divided into 10 rounds, during which you need to use diplomacy and military skills to achieve your goals, which will allow you to gain an advantage before the final battle, which will decide who will get the Iron Throne, King’s Landing and all the lands of Westeros.
An important part is the invasion of the wildlings, who will try to break through the Night’s Watch. This danger from the north is a common problem for all rulers, which requires unification in order to save people from the destructive power of the savages. After the end of the temporary alliance, the opposing sides return to the goal of seizing power and conquering other houses.
There is also a version for online play (on pirated copies). See below.