The fictional world of Sedaltia, with its own customs and orders, is filled with a variety of content, in addition to the main storyline. The user will need to explore the territory around the giant lake called Elmson. It is teeming with enemies that want the death of the main character, who has his own mission – he was chosen as the chosen one who can cope with the antagonist in the person of the king, sitting on the throne in the castle of Lorvik.
The open world allows the player to decide where to go independently. Exploring all available locations, the gamer must collect loot, which includes 1800 types of things, including consumables, swords, armor, potions and playing cards for local entertainment – Fyued. This card game is played throughout the neighborhoods, it will be a great way to relax from saving the world. Also, additional activities include fishing, cooking and potions, crafting, crafting and much more.
- Release date: 6 Oct. 2020
- Genre: Actions, Adventures, India, RPG
- Developer: Valorware
Voice acting:
- OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
- Processor: Pentium 4 or better
- RAM: 1 GB
- Video card: NVidia 680
- Disk space: 750 MB